We all want our businesses to grow. That’s why we read the books, blogs and other resources.
Part of growing is change, and The Marketing Spotlight is changing.
Day 14 is all about updating key pages on your blog. Well, I’m going to update my About page, and I’m adding several pages. In fact, I’m migrating the content from www.conradhallcopywriting.com over to www.themarketingspotlight.com.
This blog is my central business site. After all, I’m telling you to make a blog the centre of your online efforts. It’s only fitting that you see the results of me “practicing what I preach!”
But there’s more to the changes than that…
Today is also my first day writing for Technorati. Yep, I just submitted my first article and am waiting for word back from the editors. Yippee!!
So look for me on Technorati, too.
And I’m dividing my content between here and there. The Marketing Spotlight stays focused on Information Marketing, Information Product Creation, and your Website.
What I’m moving to Technorati is content on Social Media Marketing, Social Media Monitoring, Connecting New and Traditional Media, and how to use it all for your business.
The connection between the two types of content is your blog – your business website. In both places, I’ll be relating everything back to how you make it work for your business. That means making a profit, measuring results and connecting the offline and online worlds.
By the way, if you haven’t heard – Morgan James Publishing has agreed to publish How to Profit with Social Media – The 2010 Social Media Directory. You’ll see it in bookstores soon!
One of the pages I’ll be adding to The Marketing Spotlight is a big piece of the book that MJ Publishing is allowing me to give away. It’s two chapters – one explains what social networking is and the other gives step-by-step, illustrated instructions for getting started with the Golden Trio (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter).
When it’s live, you’re welcome to take the information (there’ll be a download link, too) and share it with everyone you know.
Because Equation Research says the biggest business barrier to using social media is “We don’t know enough about social media to know where to begin.” The information we’re giving away is the solution to that problem.
So keep checking back and watch the changes happen. Tell me what you think, make suggestions, and even through a tomato or two if what I’m doing is particularly poopy. 😉
Thanks for reading.