Today is a very nice day – even though it -23 Celcius and the forecast is for colder weather.
It’s a nice day because I just submitted the final draft of my new book The Instant Amazon Best-Seller Formula. Yippee.
Which brings me to the title of this post. My next project is to work on the second draft of Marketing Web Sites for Freelance Copywriters. I’m looking forward to going back to this book.
Anyone who has visited my site TheConradHall.com knows that it still needs work. After all, the whole point of developing it has been to test things I’m writing about. (By the way, if you ever want to drive your web master cuckoo, just drop a hint that you’re going to be doing lots of changes and tests with your site.)
I’ve also changed my mind about how to set up a site when you’re using a web master.
Weebly still gets my vote when you’re in DIY mode. It still has a frustrating ability to “lose” your formatting commands, but Weebly is still a great tool.
When it comes to working with a web master, I began with the idea of starting a site from scratch then adding a blog to it. After doing that, and working with this blog, I think you are just as well off starting with a blog and building it into a web site.
By the way, this is a WordPress blog hosted through my hosting service.
I can add as many pages as I want, and they will have all the functionality of any other web page.
When you want to add e-commerce to your site, you can set up a “regular” site to do that so you don’t get tangled up with WordPress. You don’t really have to, but that’s what I plan on doing.
That puts the blog, and all my writing-type content, in one spot and puts the information marketing and e-commerce in another spot – the “regular” web site. Then you just put links between the two. I like that idea.
That’s it for today. I apologise for being a little self-centred in my content today. I’m just really looking forward to digging back into my web site and making changes.
On the bright side, you just know it’s going to mean lots of posts sharing all the cool things I discover along the way.
p.s. Thanks for the comments and e-mails. Keep sending them – they’re great.