November 26

Why mentors are important


Hi Everyone,

This last year has been a lot of fun, and I’ve learned an incredible amount.

The most important lesson has been the value of mentors – people who have done what I am doing, and who are willing to share their experience and expertise.

That’s the case with the E-Book Tele-Workshop Series. I started the project and discovered it is a HUGE undertaking. It didn’t take long to realise I was in the deep end of the pool. It’s fun, and I’m enjoying the process – I’m also glad to have found a couple of “life-guard” mentors.

A special mention to Gary Rockis and Johnny Meehan. Gary has graciously offered to help me organise the re-launch of the tele-workhsop series. Johnny has, and continues to, make the tech end work and show me the ropes.

So here’s the value of a mentor from my point of view: When I’m facing an obstacle and it looks like mount everest – the mentor is standing on the other side of the obstacle and can show me that it’s really only one of the Alleghaney mountains.

Sure, it’s still an obstacle. It takes some effort to work through. The bonus part of having a mentor is that they already know what has to be done. You still have to do the work, but your mentor gives you the instructions.

Happy Thanksgiving to all you U.S. folks, and have a good day to everyone else.



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