Happy Thanksgiving to all you U.S. dwellers.
I hope you have tomorrow off, too. That makes a nice long weekend. It’ll even give you lots of time to lay on the living room floor (guys) with your pants undone – thinking about why you just ate too much.
When I set up the E-Book Tele-Workshop Series, I really didn’t have a good plan. My goal was clear. That part I had right. But the plan was a little too vague.
You see, my thought was to learn as I go and work extra hard to get things done. The learning part worked out – oh boy, did I learn a lot, learn it quickly, and learn it well.
That’s why I can now say the Plan is as good as the Goal. You need both.
Now I have Johnny Meehan and Gary Rockis in my corner. Johnny has shown me ALL the copy I need to have ready for a project like this. Including alternate copy that can be used for split testing. (A very good idea – no, absolutely necessary idea.)
Advice from Howie Jacobson clued me in to the idea of testing the copy with a PPC (Pay Per Click) campaign before turning it loose on you guys.
Gary Rockis is helping me with logistics and finance. He has a support staff to take some of the work off my shoulders. Gary is also an “uber successful” business type. That translates into him being able to teach me about cashflow, merchant accounts and all the other stuff I now realise I know nothing about.
Okay. Long post. I”m trying to keep these short – honest. There’s just so much I want to share – about writing e-books and about using teleseminars as a marketing tool.
Tell you what. I’m going to keep making daily posts about topics that occur to me. Anything you want to know about – post your question in your reply, or send me an e-mail at conrad@conradhallcopywriting.com. Then I’ll answer it here.